Police officer: 'Ma'am what happened to this lady?' Woman: 'She was looking at her phone and then she suddenly fainted!'

Police officer: 'Ma'am what happened to this lady?'   Woman: 'She was looking at her phone and then she suddenly fainted!'

min: 5, max: 1000

#24 in this list is the best 9th Doctor .gif EVER

#24 in this list is the best 9th Doctor .gif EVER

min: 5, max: 1000

tumblr_noyuzxX3Zf1runj3ro4_r1_400.gif (268×235

tumblr_noyuzxX3Zf1runj3ro4_r1_400.gif (268×235

min: 5, max: 1000

3 - Gửi haters

3 - Gửi haters

min: 5, max: 1000

Lol Daesung's face is like: *shock and awe* *notices camera* *weirded out face*

Lol Daesung's face is like:  *shock and awe*  *notices camera*  *weirded out face*

min: 5, max: 1000