I will wave this torch around WCGW?

I will wave this torch around WCGW?

min: 5, max: 1000

Reporters vs Balls

Reporters vs Balls

min: 5, max: 1000

Waffle Hockey

Waffle Hockey

min: 5, max: 1000

Kittennosaurus Roux!

Kittennosaurus Roux!

min: 5, max: 1000

MRW my girlfriend asks me why my phone has no browser history. 

MRW my girlfriend asks me why my phone has no browser history. 

min: 5, max: 1000



min: 5, max: 1000

Tactical breach.

Tactical breach.

min: 5, max: 1000

That gif sums up the whole thing

That gif sums up the whole thing

min: 5, max: 1000

me you like

me you like

min: 5, max: 1000

Fuck this shit, Skeletor is out.

Fuck this shit, Skeletor is out.

min: 5, max: 1000